“Women in the world and at home”

Periodical appearing in 1925-1939, adressed mainly to the ladies.

It is one of the interwar magazines, which existed for a long time and functioned in an energetic way. Issued by Publishing Company “Bluszcz” in Warsaw was very popular among women. It was addressed as well to the city dwellers as villagers, however with emphasis on this first group.

Subtitle of the magazine was: fortnightly devoted to domesticity and fashion. Content of this periodical was very varied. You might have read about the latest trends in fashion, but also about health, beauty, savoir-vivre, interior design and found some recipes or practical advices for housewives. Among many sections there was belletristic one, where novellas, feuilletons and poems were printed.

Magazine fulfilled educational and entertaining functions. Its essential feature was striving to raise reades’ knowledge and culture and constantly increasing their role and position in social and work life.


Edited on the basis of:

Kobiety i mężczyźni (z) kolorowych czasopism, red. Alina Łysak i Edyta Zierkiewicz, “Zeszyt Kół Naukowych”, 2010: nr 6.